Technical and engineering services

import export

Petrochemical products


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Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that do not yet have content.

Novavaran Business, a subsidiary ofNovavaran Holdinglorem 


Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that do not yet have content.

Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that do not yet have content.

Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that do not yet have content.

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Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that do not yet have content.

Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that do not yet have content.

Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that do not yet have content.

About us

The Innovators team first launched the Faragostar Knowledge Strategy Institute in 2007 to empower managers and leaders of industries and businesses, and organized organizational training courses and business studies through networking with academic and industrial professors and experts. Then in 2016, the Innovators Idea Developer Company established the Future Horizon to develop new and knowledge-based technologies, innovation and value creation in organizational and business processes. It also established the Creative Idea Developer Company to innovate and create value in the food, agriculture, livestock and poultry industries, and established the Adl Aray Kian Law Firm in 2010 to resolve disputes and legal claims between individuals, companies and organizations. . In addition, the Innovators team established the Kian Iranian Social Institute in 2010 for its social goals and social responsibility and to empower the country's vulnerable community.

lorem lorem lorem





lorem ipsum


lorem ipsum


lorem ipsum

ipsum lorem

lorem ipsum lorem ipsum

lorem lorem lorem

Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design.